J. Emmerling et al. A multi-model assessment of inequality and climate change. 2024 | Nature Climate Change | Publisher's link
F. Klein, N. Taconet. Unequal "drivers" : on the inequality of mobility emissions in Germany. 2024 | Energy Economics
A. Méjean, P. Collins-Sowah, C. Guivarch, F. Piontek, B. Soergel, N. Taconet. Climate change impacts increase economic inequality: evidence from a systematic literature review. 2024 | Environmental Research Letters |Publisher's link
R. Fillon, C. Guivarch, N. Taconet. Optimal climate policy under tipping risk and temporal risk aversion. 2023 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | Publisher's link
F. Piontek, L. Drouet, J. Emmerling, T. Kompas, A. Méjean, C. Otto, J. Rising, B. Soergel, N. Taconet, M. Tavoni. 2021. From biophysical to economic impacts of climate change: an integrated perspective | Nature Climate Change | Publisher's link
N. Taconet, C. Guivarch, A. Pottier. 2021. Social Cost of Carbon under stochastic tipping points: when does risk play a role? Environmental and Resource Economics | Publisher's link | Accepted version
N. Taconet, A. Méjean, C. Guivarch. 2020. Influence of climate change impacts and mitigation costs on inequality between countries. Climatic Change | Publisher's link | Access to Online PDF
C. Guivarch, N. Taconet. 2020. Inégalités mondiales et changement climatique. Revue de l'OFCE | Link
Ongoing work
Optimal climate policy when warming rate matters
2020 Young Economist best paper award by the French Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (FAERE)Modelling inequality within regions in low-carbon pathways, with F. Piontek & and B. Soergel (PIK).
Effect of air travel taxes and high speed railways in Europe: empirical analysis. Under review. With C. Collet (CIRED) and Philippe Quirion (CIRED)
Book chapter
C. Guivarch, N. Taconet. Global inequality and climate change (forthcoming). Handbook on the Political Economy of the Environment. Routledge | Publisher's link